Let’s come together as BHASD and gather supplies to donate 60 Holiday Boxes to the Brandywine Food Pantry. Each grade level is responsible for a specific item in the boxes. If you can donate, please send in the items with your child, there will be boxes located in various locations at each school. Collection is happening until 12/8/23!
- Kindergarten: holiday napkins
- 1st Grade-applesauce
- 2nd Grade - canned carrots
- 3rd Grade - canned peas
- 4th Grade - canned corn
- 5th Grade - canned sweet potatoes
- 6th Grade - cranberry sauce
- 7th Grade - canned/bottled fruit juice
- 8th Grade - instant mashed potatoes
- 9th Grade - boxed stuffing
- 10th Grade - fruit cocktail
- 11th Grade - coffee/cocoa
- 12th Grade - packaged cookies
If you have any questions email karsch@bhasd.org